Terms and conditions

Acceptance of Terms of Use

By accessing and using this website the User unreservedly accepts these Terms of Use.


The purpose of this website is to provide general information about Bind – Esperança, Vaz Osório e Associados, Sociedade de Advogados – hereinafter Bind – and its activity. No content of the website may be considered as a means of advertising or to establish relationships of a professional nature or to provide legal services of any kind.

Despite having been thoroughly analysed, Bind does not guarantee the accuracy, precision, timeliness and completeness of the information provided, which may contain errors and inaccuracies. The content and information provided are merely advisory and do not exempt the User from prior legal advice.

Website Access

Bind has the exclusive right at any time to temporarily or partially cease access to the website, in particular for management, maintenance, repair, alteration or modernisation operations. It also reserves the right to close, permanently or temporarily, partially or totally, at any time and without prior notice, its website.

Intellectual Property

Bind is the owner of this website and all its contents are protected by intellectual property rights. All intellectual property rights relating to the content of this website, including the trademark Bind – Sociedade de Advogados, RL , are the exclusive and reserved property of Bind – Sociedade de Advogados, RL or have been duly licensed in its favour.

The use of any content of this website for commercial purposes is not permitted, and the User is not authorised to transmit, distribute, publish, reproduce, license, modify, sell or use in any way the information, including texts, images, brands or logos contained on the website, regardless of how they are graphically represented, without prior written authorisation from Bind.

The contents of this website may only be used for personal information purposes and may be accessed and downloaded or printed for viewing purposes, provided that express reference is made to Bind and that all applicable copyright notices are duly maintained.


In order to improve navigation and for the convenience of the User, this website contains links to third party websites. These websites are not owned, operated or controlled by Bind. Therefore, Bind is not responsible for, approves or in any way supports or endorses the information and content of said websites, their privacy policies or terms of use, nor the websites referred to in them or associated with them. The use of these links is the sole responsibility of the User.

The generation of links to Bind’s website requires prior written authorisation from Bind.


Bind is not and shall not be liable for any errors that may arise from system irregularities or temporary or permanent failure of the website. Likewise, Bind is not and shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the misuse, unavailability or inability to use the website.

Validity of the Terms of Use

If any part or provision of these Terms of Use is unenforceable, illegal, invalid or ineffective, this shall not affect the validity or entail any modification of the remaining provisions.

Amendment of the Terms of Use

Bind reserves the right, at any time, and without prior notice, to change, add, update or delete, in whole or in part, these Terms of Use, publishing and publicising them immediately on the website. To that end, the User should refer to these Terms of Use to ascertain the applicable conditions.

Questions and Suggestions

If you have any questions about these Terms of Use please send your request to:

  • Telephone: (+351) 213 10 41 20

  • E-mail: bind@bindrl.pt 

  • Address: Rua Julieta Ferrão, n.º 10, 8.º Andar, 1600-131 Lisboa, Portugal

Applicable Law

These Terms of Use of the website are subject to Portuguese law.


To settle all questions and disputes that may arise from these Terms of Use, the District Court of Lisbon is exclusively competent, with express waiver of any other.

Date of last update: 05/05/2023
