


Dear Clients, Partners and Friends,

Considering the developments of COVID-19’s impact in Portugal and the orientations provided by the Portuguese Government and the World Health Organisation, BIND has implemented the necessary measures to reduce the contamination risk, ensuring the technological conditions to develop the work remotely, reducing the presence in the office to the minimum indispensable.

BIND, in these particular circumstances, keeps its strong commitment to attend its Clients and Partners, ensuring the execution of the tasks that have been entrusted with. By doing so, BIND is trying to give its contribution to avoid a strong drop in the companies’ activity.

Face-to-face contacts and meetings will be reduced to its minimum and alternative means of communication, such as conference call, e-mail, Skype, WhatsApp or others will be favoured. For now, the reception and central phone service are open, although with reduced scheduled, currently, from 9,30 to 13 and from 14 to 18,30.

All Lawyers are available in their mobile phones.

We hope the situation gets better and we will keep alert to the situation developments. In case other measures will have to be implemented, we will keep you informed.

BIND is also alert to the legislative developments and will continue to provide the relevant information through its site and IN, without prejudice to the traditional contacts.