
  • Disciplinary Procedures
  • Labour Contracts
  • Labour Litigation
  • Legalisation of Foreign Workers
  • Occupational Accidents
  • Restructuring
  • Safety and Health at Work
  • Secondment of Workers

Bind provides legal advice on all aspects of labour and social security law, relying on the technical support of lawyers with extensive experience in providing labour law advice in the most diverse sectors of activity, particularly in the areas of temporary work, catering industry, services, energy, pharmaceutical industry, commerce, distribution, industry and construction.


  • Advising individual clients, namely executive management, on the restructuring and reorganisation of their professional careers;
  • Advising on general and strategic labour matters, including on tax and social security matters in the labour field;
  • Company restructuring processes, including, inter alia, collective redundancies, job losses, agreements to terminate employment contracts and layoff procedures;
  • Individual and collective labour contracts and temporary employment contracts, occasional assignment agreements and service contracts, internal and external service commission contracts for senior management and foreign workers;
  • Supporting companies in human resource management, including support for functional and geographical mobility, changes in remuneration, including fringe benefit matters, preparation of incentive plans, share purchase plans and pension schemes and transfer of establishments;
  • Disciplinary procedures;
  • Labour audits (due diligence);
  • Labour and social security administrative offence cases;
  • Assistance with hiring and legalisation of foreign workers;
  • Hiring and posting of non-EU foreign workers and labour, as well as other visa application procedures.